Update Feb, 2014

Salt Spring Community Energy Group is very active these days. One member said recently that one has to keep one’s “eye on the ball”. Things are moving quickly.

Solar Scholarship

As you might know our first major project is the GISS Solar Scholarship. An interim agreement was signed on Jan 27th with School District 64 (Gulf Islands) covering the aspects of the project presented to the Board of Education Dec 4th.

A solar site analysis has been completed. The gym roof has around 96% annual sunshine capture out of the maximum possible.
Structural and Electrical engineering work is well underway. We have a beautiful 3D computer model of the high school gym to be able to create plans and drawings: many thanks to team member Kenn Danner of KD Design& Prototyping for this excellent tool.
With feedback from the structural engineers, we will be creating our budget this month to present to the Board for approval. We will soon be able to answer the “How much will it cost?”, “How big will it be”, and “How much electricity will it produce” questions.
Also under development is our fundraising campaign, which we hope to implement in March. A local donor has made a substantial pledge that will help to anchor the project. The School District administration is making their Carbon Neutral Capital Program Grant available for engineering and labour. We’ll be happy to let you know how you can contribute to this project soon!
The educational component of the project is underway after a meeting with Lisa Halstead, superintendent of schools. Further meetings with principles, teachers, and students of GISS are scheduled this month.

Solar Water Heating

At last there is progress on the Solar Hot Water front. James Smyth of Camosun College and Pacific Solar Smart made another visit to Salt Spring to visit homes on January 14th. After delays, we now have word that the grants will be available as soon as the end of next week. If you’re interested, contact Solar Colwood at info@solarcolwood.ca

Renewable Energy Conference

Plans are underway for a renewable energy conference at GISS on April 5th, 2014. Think of a cross between the Eco-Home Tour, and the Film Festival, where you can attend workshops on a variety of renewable energy/efficiency/clean transportation topics. A special keynote speaker has been lined up for the event. This conference is being run in association with the Transition Salt Spring Society. Stay tuned for our public announcement.

Galiano Island

David Denning just recently attended the founding meeting of the Galiano Clean Energy Group: Welcome to the movement Galiano!

Kjell Liem, Chair, Salt Spring Community Energy Group