Bullfrog Power Partners with Transition Salt Spring Community Energy Group And School District 64 to Create Solar Scholarship for BC High School Grads
Bullfrog Power commits up to $20,000 in matching donations
Vancouver, August 12, 2014—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and Transition Salt Spring Community Energy Group have partnered to help fund the development of a rooftop solar installation of the Gulf Islands Secondary School (GISS) on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. When built, the installation will be the largest school-based solar photovoltaic array in British Columbia. Continue reading Funding Partnership Annoucement→
Brighten the future for our Solar Generation. Help us add the missing panels to the solar array on the high school roof.
Fund a Panel
The future is solar! The Solar Scholarship Project will be installing 20 kilowatts of solar photo-voltaic panels on the roof of Salt Spring’s high school. The project will be the largest Continue reading Find your place in the Sun→
This giant cheque is a gift for the Solar Scholarship project. The donors are Elizabeth May, Stephen Roberts (Salt Spring BC Liberals), Gary Holman, Green Party EDA, SS Friends of the NDP, Pharmasave, and Vince and Maggie Argiro. In the photo Vince has just added another $3,000 to their gift. This is after raising it by $2,000 at the Renewable Energy Conference in April where they launched the matching donations fund. The total on the big check should have read $22,500, but then it wouldn’t have been a surprise!
I would like to thank Irene Wright of the Salt Spring
NDP Club for her letter to the editor of May 21
highlighting the ongoing fundraising campaign for the
GISS Solar Scholarship Project.
In her letter, Mrs. Wright challenges members of
other political parties to meet or beat her club’s continuing
support. On behalf of the BC Liberals of Salt
Spring Island, I would like to accept the challenge. Continue reading More Solar Support→
SIDNEY, BC – Elizabeth May, MPfor Saanich–Gulf Islands and Leader of the Green Party of Canada, is urging Salt Spring residents as well as those from the wider region, to chip in to support the installation of Continue reading Greens urge community to “Let the Sun Shine In”→
During the recent Salt Spring Film Festival, students from the GISS Environment Club provided information about the Solar Scholarship Project and the Renewable Energy Conference set for April 5. From left: Indigo Porebska-Smith, Jenna Aston, Aina Yasue, Keenan Nowak and environment club teacher/mentor, Amy Cousins. Ron Watts | Driftwood Gulf Islands Media
What can we do in our community in response to the increasing threats of climate change?Most islanders would agree that increasing our use of renewable energy is one of the best options.
On April 5, the first Salt Spring and Gulf Islands Renewable Energy Conference will explore energy efficiency and renewable energy issues and solutions through presentations and hands-on workshops. Continue reading Energy event ignites hot topics→
Members of the GISS Environmental Club are working with the Community Energy Group on a solar power project and scholarship. (L-R back) Ella Maqueen Denz, Noal Balint, Maia Beauvais, Keenan Nowak, Kjell Liem, Amy Cousins (Teacher) and Jenna Aston (front).
BY ELIZABETH NOLAN –Gulf Islands Driftwood News Staff
Energy savings will be transformed to scholarship fund
The Gulf Islands School District has approved in principle a solar power project that has so many potential benefits it leaves the typical “win-win” scenario in the dust for a probable win-win-win-win-win. Continue reading Students To Reap Rewards of Solar Proposal→